30th ICTCT workshop in Olomouc, Czech Republic on 26/27 October 2017

30th ICTCT workshop in Olomouc, Czech Republic on 26/27 October 2017

"Don't wait for accidents to happen"

Call for Abstracts

The 30th ICTCT workshop offers a multidisciplinary forum for lively discussion among inter-national experts in an open-minded and friendly atmosphere. ICTCT invites interested persons to submit abstracts of ½ to 1 page till the 31th of May, 2017 via EasyChair.

The Scientific Committee of the workshop will review the abstracts for acceptance on the basis of the papers’ scientific value and interest, relevance to the workshop topic and likelihood to arouse discussion. The ICTCT secretariat will inform the authors about acceptance and send out a preliminary programme in July, 2017.

The submission processes will be managed with the help of Easy Chair: For submitting an abstract please use the following link:


If you have used this system before, you can use the same username and password. If this is your first time using EasyChair, you will need to register for an account by clicking on “sign up for an account”. After completing your registration, you will get a notification email from the system with a link which allows you to upload and re-upload the paper by the date due for submission. Your abstract (300 to 500 words) includes the following points:

  • Background
  • Aim
  • Method or methodological issues
  • Results obtained or expected
  • Conclusions

Early career researchers get priority in the review process, newcomers are stimulated to do their first ICTCT presentation.

If the number of papers accepted exceeds the number of slots for presentation, or if the submitter prefers it, we also offer the option to present a poster rather than an oral presentation.

Authors of the presentations will have an opportunity to publish their paper in the scientific journal Transactions on Transport Sciences (ISSN 1802-9876). Deadline for submission is December 1st, 2017.

Local Organiser

Department of Psychology
Palacký University in Olomouc

Contact Person: Matus Sucha

Address: Krizkovskeho 10,
771 47 Olomouc, Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 777 597 665
E-mail: matus.sucha@upol.cz
Web: www.psych.upol.cz/en